Your Visions Divine Timing

Your soul knows the divine timing for your project, even if it makes not one scratch of sense to you.

I received back in December that I would launch The Creative Soul Sanctuary in May. I tuned in and asked when the energy most supported this creation and I heard May. My ego wanted it to be January but nope, I got May. WE do not decide. When you’re a creative conduit for spirit, you and the creation has divine timing and together you align for it to be birthed.

I danced with doubt thinking how on earth am I going to birth this while already feeling quite ‘full’ with my commitments at the time. It made NO sense that I would have the capacity to launch this in May.

But I trusted the nudges and I put one foot in front of the other and I began walking. To my surprise it felt easy, fun and creative. I was creating in flow.

Little did I know that the week before The Creative Soul Sanctuary opened, my entire schedule and commitments would completely change opening up a huge amount of space, energy and capacity.

Not only that, but creating it would be a sanctuary for my own soul to create, play and express itself through my own healing process. My own medicine

My creations are for me as much as they are for you. When I create I feel alive, connected and inspired. I feel closer to myself and to spirit.

So whatever is on your heart and wants to be created, ask it when it wants to be created, trust that, align to it and just start walking soul sister x


I’m Running Out of Time…


Burnout in Business